Day After The 19th Year Volume 2 Emi Gayle 9781937744243 Books

Day After The 19th Year Volume 2 Emi Gayle 9781937744243 Books
When I saw that this book was going to be in Winn's POV, I was beyond excited. I loved Winn in the first book, and was really looking forward to seeing things from his perspective and get in his mind some more. However, I will admit that I was slightly worried. When some authors switch over POV's completely from one character to another, it just doesn't work, but Ms. Gayle delivered in every way imaginable! I fell in love with Winn a little bit more (okay...a whole lot more) throughout this book. He was unbelievably loyal, hilarious, and just plain cute. He is exactly the type of boyfriend a girl wants and deserves. The lengths he went to in order to find out the information for Mac and himself was astounding, and Ms. Gayle's creativity truly shines in this novel.Mac is still awesome as ever, but I was a little upset at her for pushing Winn away. Nevertheless, I understood why she did what she did, and everything works out in the end, for the most part ;) Suze had my laughing so hard in this novel. I didn't think that our favorite demon could be any funnier, but Ms. Gayle proved me wrong. Every single scene with him had me busting, from his interesting choices in wardrobe to his witty comments. I also enjoyed learning more out the 12 Council members. The one thing I pride Ms. Gayle on is her amazing ability to incorporate so many different mythological creatures, and not have the story become confusing or boring. It is just the opposite! I loved delving deeper into the mythology and the world that Mac and Winn live in.
The story never sees a dull moment. The story flows very nicely, and is heart-pounding, hilarious, and in parts, heartbreaking. I can't wait to see how everything plays out in the next book, and will definitely be pre-ordering it! I highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a new, unique story that will leave you clamoring for the next in the series.
5++++ stars

Tags : Day After (The 19th Year) (Volume 2) [Emi Gayle] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Demon crypts. Vampire lairs. Glowing angels. Sexy sirens. The stuff of fiction. Or so Winn Thomas always thought. Since being accepted into the fold of the supernatural,Emi Gayle,Day After (The 19th Year) (Volume 2),J. Taylor Publishing,1937744248,Children's BooksAll Ages,JUVENILE FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables Greek & Roman,Legends, Myths, & Fables - Greek & Roman,Traditional stories (Children's Teenage)
Day After The 19th Year Volume 2 Emi Gayle 9781937744243 Books Reviews
The very first thing that I did after finishing Day After was go in search of the release date of book three in the series, Darkest Day. And what do I find? October... OCTOBER!!! Seriously? I really need to wait until october!!! Boy oh boy!!! Why did Day After have to end like that!!
I immediately fell in love with the characters and the world that Emi Gayle created in book one, After Dark, so I Jumped at the chance to read book two, Day After when it was offered to me. And to add to my excitement was the fact that it was going to be written from Winn's point of view. I actually put off reading it for a little while because I knew that I would be devouring it in one sitting and then would have the long wait for the next book in front of me.
In Day After Winn is on a mission to learn all that he can about Mac's world and guide her in the decision of her final choice of what form she will take as we move toward her19th birthday. Winn was just as amazing as ever. He is loyal, loving, kind, nerdy and sweet. He is one pretty perfect package. I loved the way he tackled his mission and jumped right in and overcame his fears to try to learn everything that he needed to help Mac. I loved the little bits of inner dialogue that he had with himself and that just made me love him more.
Mac had such a knack for frustrating me. She was just so stubborn at times. And I think I felt that so deeply because we got to see that through Winn's eyes and really got to feel the impact and effect that her decisions had on him. But as stubborn and frustrating as I found her, I also loved her. I completely understood her struggles with the expectations that are placed on her shoulders and her desires coming through in some of the decisions that she made. And towards the end of the book she completely had me in her corner rooting for her. I really felt that she went through so much growth in this book.
Another character that I love was Suze. He is just so amazingly hilarious and cool. He just added so much to the book with his humour and sass. He was hilarious and I found myself having a good laugh at something he did or said on more than one occasion.
Emi Gayle did an awesome job in creating these characters that all fit together and all have a part to play. There are twists and turns when you least expect them and at times there is quite a lot of information to take in, but it all adds to the story development and moves the story along at a steady pace.
So now, I have to brace myself for the wait. Hurry up October!! I need to know what happens next!!!
5/5 incredibly awesome Stars!!
I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest review.
4.5 Stars
'Day After' is the second book in a fantastic young adult paranormal romance series that switches gears to follow the new main character Winn Thomas as he deals with his newfound knowledge of the supernatural world that simmers below the human realm. Alongside his girlfriend, Mac, Winn must learn all he can about mythological creatures so Mac can decide on her final form in six months. If Winn doesn't learn about them, Mac won't either, and she won't be able to make a decision. Winn has a secret card up his sleeve about Mac's final form - one that even she doesn't know about yet. He plans on having her choose a human final form, whether it's possible or not. Will he be able to convince her in time?
This is a fun and unique second book that continues to prove to be an addicting paranormal series. The character of Mac is witty, sarcastic, and very accessible to the reader. She's realistic and believable, which makes it easy to side with her throughout the novel. I really enjoyed the backstory and details of the Changelings and the other paranormal beings, as well as their culture and politics. It gave an intriguing depth to the book that definitely sets it apart from others in the genre. Winn is the narrator in this installment, which makes things interesting - seeing the supernatural world through his eyes and mind gives fresh insight into the world the author has built and the other characters in the series - including Mac. The plot itself was very well written with a great flow and a fast pace. I got sucked into the story on the first page and didn't stop reading until I was finished. There's something for everyone in this book - paranormal, action, mystery, adventure, and romance. Overall, this second installment proves that this series is one that I highly recommend and one that you won't want to miss!
Disclosure I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
When I saw that this book was going to be in Winn's POV, I was beyond excited. I loved Winn in the first book, and was really looking forward to seeing things from his perspective and get in his mind some more. However, I will admit that I was slightly worried. When some authors switch over POV's completely from one character to another, it just doesn't work, but Ms. Gayle delivered in every way imaginable! I fell in love with Winn a little bit more (okay...a whole lot more) throughout this book. He was unbelievably loyal, hilarious, and just plain cute. He is exactly the type of boyfriend a girl wants and deserves. The lengths he went to in order to find out the information for Mac and himself was astounding, and Ms. Gayle's creativity truly shines in this novel.
Mac is still awesome as ever, but I was a little upset at her for pushing Winn away. Nevertheless, I understood why she did what she did, and everything works out in the end, for the most part ;) Suze had my laughing so hard in this novel. I didn't think that our favorite demon could be any funnier, but Ms. Gayle proved me wrong. Every single scene with him had me busting, from his interesting choices in wardrobe to his witty comments. I also enjoyed learning more out the 12 Council members. The one thing I pride Ms. Gayle on is her amazing ability to incorporate so many different mythological creatures, and not have the story become confusing or boring. It is just the opposite! I loved delving deeper into the mythology and the world that Mac and Winn live in.
The story never sees a dull moment. The story flows very nicely, and is heart-pounding, hilarious, and in parts, heartbreaking. I can't wait to see how everything plays out in the next book, and will definitely be pre-ordering it! I highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a new, unique story that will leave you clamoring for the next in the series.
5++++ stars

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