Truly Madly Deeply 9788122311648 Books

Truly Madly Deeply 9788122311648 Books
Rahul and Seema represent the proverbial boy-meets-girl-and-they-fall-madly-in-love plot. But if you're wondering if `Truly, madly, Deeply' is just some run-of-the-mill title to the already over-saturated genre, then you've got another think coming. Author Faraaz Kazi tosses his own pebble into the lapping waves of youthful romance, and from the looks of it, this book is going to create ripples.The story builds up slowly as Rahul's personality--his stubbornness, his difficulty when it comes to dealing with Sahil, and many other little incidentals eventually give way to an unraveling: the `why' of Rahul's dismal behavior, a girl named Seema. As soon as the book touches on Seema, everything clicks back in their right place.
Rahul, the embodiment of the kiss-and-tell, overly confident strapping young lad, meets the girl that turns his knees into rubber, the Kryptonite to Rahul's Superman. Seema, on the other hand, is carefully, painstakingly painted in delicious superlatives: how slim is her waist, how angelic is her face, how the sun kisses her hair. Which is not bad at all: remember how we used to regard our first love in the same ideal way?
Faraaz Kazi masterfully creates a world that I believe everyone can relate to--a world where everyone was young, in love, and where anything seems possible. Kazi's language is smooth and effective, and he knows exactly where to push the right buttons. What's more, the author deftly manages to slip in memorable nuggets of wisdom, or quotable quotes that serve well their purpose beyond the book's scope. One favorite line: "Beauty can only be best described at its origin through a befuddling silence, the kind that leaves one almost on the verge of a pleasurable death, just because one chooses beauty over life."
It is as if `Truly, Madly Deeply" is sublime poetry about love, but in the form of prose--all these events and the twists and turns and the "dance" that is Rahul and Seema's youthful love affair are nothing but flesh to something more eternal. If anything, the book is a deeply entertaining yarn, one that could make you chuckle and smile at certain points, and throughout the story pine for the love-struck moments of your own youth.
Faraaz Kazi deserves the "Nicholas Sparks of India" moniker, and this book holds one more candle to that claim. Download or get a copy of this book now.
Five stars, of course.

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Truly Madly Deeply 9788122311648 Books Reviews
There are a few hours of my life I will never get back. This is possibly one of the worst books I've ever read, so full of stereotypical and unrealistic characters and scenes that it made my stomach and mind sick. Im indian, and I read lots of indian author and themed novels, and this read like a really, really shitty Bollywood movie. The moods of the main character, and his actions, the dialogue, the friend, everything read like a super predictable, cheap budget bollywood movie. Most scenes in the book left me bewildered and insulted as a reader with basic intelligence and understanding of real life. I get this is a "teenage" love story, but the main character just comes across as creepy. And his "friend" in the book, comes across as mega creepy. I wanted to punch all of the characters in the face from frustration by the time i got halfway through the book (as far as i got) before finally giving up, wondering why I was doing this to myself by continuing. Dear Author of this book, please stop watching terrible Bollywood films with unrealistic characterizations, and live real life, and then continue as a novelist. Stop dramatizing and romanticizing ideas and events that are actually really creepy and unnerving in real life. You also have ZERO understanding of american culture and the american school system and life. SPOILER ALERT--there is an "attempted" rape scene in the middle of a residential street, where our "HERO" saves the day by beating up the goons, and NO ONE CALLS THE POLICE. The girl gets up and just goes home. R U KIDDING me? Also, people do not stand up to answer questions in classes in america, and most american teenagers dont declare they LOVE a man after 1 or 2 chance meetings. It doesnt happen. Thats only in Bollywood. Also, after the amount of harrassment the main character or our "hero" inflicts on the girl he loves and beating up inncoents, why the hell does SHE end up feeling guilty and desperatly tries to get him back? What happened to self respect, and basic dignity? Sorry Mr Kazi, doesnt add up. Go fall in love and try again. End rant.......
Sad story about first love. Well written and well structured. Actually quite realistic in defining human nature and how we often misread situations and react completely inappropriately, more to the detriment of ourselves than the one we are at odds with.
Rahul can be the kind of kid you want to deck. Arrogant, better looking then he should be, and doesn't think anything will ever shake him. But then it starts to all fall apart. He loses the girl he loves, Seema, and his popularity. Faraaz Kazi writes great interior drama with Rahul noticing all the details of Seema once he loses her. The dialogue is a little stilted and forced, but that doesn't really take too much away from the dimension of the characters. The journey here is primarily about Rahul loosing his arrogance and beginning to become a man, longing for the love that he has lost. It's done very impressively.
"Truly, Madly, Deeply" is a rich love story that will bring tears to your eyes. This is one of the more unique (in a good way!) and original books that I have read in the last few years. The author does an excellent job of weaving a story that is a blend of love and rejection. The unrequited love that Rahul has for Seema makes for an incredibly rich and interesting story, and I felt so bad for Rahul. He is such an earnest young man and loves her so deeply. The way the story explores his broken heart will really resonate with anyone who has lost their love or had their heart broken. The author does an excellent job of weaving a story that you won't be able to put down.
Rahul and Seema represent the proverbial boy-meets-girl-and-they-fall-madly-in-love plot. But if you're wondering if `Truly, madly, Deeply' is just some run-of-the-mill title to the already over-saturated genre, then you've got another think coming. Author Faraaz Kazi tosses his own pebble into the lapping waves of youthful romance, and from the looks of it, this book is going to create ripples.
The story builds up slowly as Rahul's personality--his stubbornness, his difficulty when it comes to dealing with Sahil, and many other little incidentals eventually give way to an unraveling the `why' of Rahul's dismal behavior, a girl named Seema. As soon as the book touches on Seema, everything clicks back in their right place.
Rahul, the embodiment of the kiss-and-tell, overly confident strapping young lad, meets the girl that turns his knees into rubber, the Kryptonite to Rahul's Superman. Seema, on the other hand, is carefully, painstakingly painted in delicious superlatives how slim is her waist, how angelic is her face, how the sun kisses her hair. Which is not bad at all remember how we used to regard our first love in the same ideal way?
Faraaz Kazi masterfully creates a world that I believe everyone can relate to--a world where everyone was young, in love, and where anything seems possible. Kazi's language is smooth and effective, and he knows exactly where to push the right buttons. What's more, the author deftly manages to slip in memorable nuggets of wisdom, or quotable quotes that serve well their purpose beyond the book's scope. One favorite line "Beauty can only be best described at its origin through a befuddling silence, the kind that leaves one almost on the verge of a pleasurable death, just because one chooses beauty over life."
It is as if `Truly, Madly Deeply" is sublime poetry about love, but in the form of prose--all these events and the twists and turns and the "dance" that is Rahul and Seema's youthful love affair are nothing but flesh to something more eternal. If anything, the book is a deeply entertaining yarn, one that could make you chuckle and smile at certain points, and throughout the story pine for the love-struck moments of your own youth.
Faraaz Kazi deserves the "Nicholas Sparks of India" moniker, and this book holds one more candle to that claim. Download or get a copy of this book now.
Five stars, of course.

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