Generation Dead Daniel Waters 9781847383273 Books

Generation Dead Daniel Waters 9781847383273 Books
While I finished this book and actually did enjoy it, the entire time reading I felt unsettled. Uncomfortable in my own skin, or actually more specifically head. You see the book deals with a few topics that can only be described as political. Civil Rights movement for the dead and it calls into question how you would react in a similar situation, even though you know it was not possible. I mean really, zombies? But the things they did to these dead children are no worse than what happened during the civil rights movement, so is Waters making a book long metaphor and substituting zombies for African Americans? Which leaves a bad taste in your mouth, because once again, zombies?REVIEW: American Teenagers are returning as zombies. The are waking up hours after they have been pronounced dead and shambling home. Some are being accepted with open arms. Some are being shunned by their own family and friends. A certain high school in New England has become Zombie Friendly and more and more travel their to attend high school, to live in peace, to maybe find acceptance. But, difference lead to hatred, lead to mistrust, lead to terrible occurrences by scared and bigoted people.
Phoebe who is a certain type of girl that people also tend to distrust and look at oddly {goth} finds a certain fascination with a particularly advanced differently biotic {zombie} boy. His name is Tommy, he holds the door for her, his eyes aren't vacant like the others, he is joining the football team. Her fascination seems to go both ways and leads to a bridge from her living world to his dead world. With it she brings her friends Margi and Adam, reluctant at first, but accepting as time goes by and friendships are made. Margi finds enlightenment through guilt, Adam because he will do anything for Phoebe, even change himself into a better person. But, as friendships are made others look upon their associations as disgusting and blasphemous and plots are laid to teach the living a lesson and eradicate the dead...
Fascinating concept. But there was no respite in this book. There was no underlying love. There was unrequited love, and a certain crush that might have formed between Tommy and Phoebe, but in the end you never know if it was real. It was just a sort of in-your-face reality show of children dealing with heavy stuff. Death. Hatred. Bigotry. Using. Suicide. Fear. Depression. Mania. But, while there were heavy hitting topics, the author never took you so far into that you felt like you were drowning. Just enough that your tongue tasted like battery acid, but not enough to choke on it. This is not a book to read if you want happy and heart-felt. But boy does it make you think.
The bad taste lies within the zombie factor. These are zombies. Walking-dead zombies. And this girl, goth or not, fascinated with death or not is getting her stomach twisted around for a kid with rubbery skin, vacant eyes, delayed speech, and a gray tongue. Death is so much more than just a different color skin...right??? But then the way vamps are portrayed, they are dead, marble skin, ice cold, no beating heart...they are dead right? Why not sexy zombies if they have sexy vamps??
The difference of... "Urggggghhhhh!!! Aghrrrrgh!!!!!" Shuffle shuffle. to "I vant to suck yur blood."
Nice cover though, but who is it? Not Phoebe. But those are her boots.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Heavy topics for more mature readers, but there is nothing to corrupt young minds. I'm giving a 12+ recommend, but parents might want to read first just in case.

Tags : Generation Dead [Daniel Waters] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. All over the tri-state area, something strange is happening. Teenagers who die aren't staying dead. They are coming back to life,Daniel Waters,Generation Dead,Hyperion,1847383270
Generation Dead Daniel Waters 9781847383273 Books Reviews
You've heard of Generation "X" and Generation "Y." Get ready for Generation Dead. Generation Dead being known for its, well, undead. Science can't explain it, and no one really knows why it happens, but American teenagers are coming back to life. Known to the living as differently biotic or the living impaired. These zombie teenagers try to "live" their undead lives, but as with any group of people that vary from the norm, there are always prejudices.
Phoebe, a Goth. girl, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to one of these so-called living impaired students, Tommy Williams. Her best friend Margi, thinks she is crazy, but Margi's feeling for the undead are more complicated than a general dislike. Then there is Phoebe's neighbor and childhood friend, Adam. Adam has finally realized his feeling for Phoebe, but he still can't find the courage to tell her. Of course it doesn't make the situation any easier when he discovers Phoebe is crushing on the dead kid.
Phoebe talks Margi and Adam into joining a work study at the Hunter Foundation, which is centered around the undead phenomenon. Unfortunately not everyone tries to be as open minded. There aren't any laws protecting the living impaired and they are being singled out and sometimes killed again. When a student makes a personal vendetta to take out the living impaired and anyone associated with them, the situation can only end in tragedy.
Generation Dead went above and beyond what I was expecting. Sure it is about the dead, but there are so many underlying messages in this book. Prejudice is something that is very apparent, and is something that we deal within reality on a daily basis. There is a part in the book in chapter 16, where they have a guest speaker so to sort in their undead studies program, basically they are discussing how they can acclimate the undead into society. I have to say that the dialogue of the speaker, totally blew me away. I think I read it maybe three of four times and I just kept thinking, if only, if only acceptance and change were and could be that easy, the world would be a better place. But anyway, as for the rest of the story, characters were beyond three dimensional, I felt like I knew these kids, and they continued to develop throughout the entire story, I mean literally up until the last page, I loved it! The plot was totally original and kept me turning the pages until the late hours of the night. I love Waters writing style, it's engrossing yet simple, can that even be possible! The story was full of wit and humor, and I was totally captured! Obviously I really liked/love this book. It comes out on May 6th and I strongly suggest you pick up a copy. There is just something about it, it's different and fresh!
I'll admit that I had second thoughts about this book after I ordered it, but it really and truly wasn't a bad book.
*Good overall story
*Good messages(such as it doesn't matter how someone else sees a person, what matters is what you think of the person; if you think something is worth standing up for and don't think its stupid, then do it)
*The different point of views were REALLY important and necessary. They made the book better.
*Writer used expressions readers may not understand or have a hard time figuring out with such as solar plexus and knockers (maybe it was just me since I'm not American)
*There wasn't enough feeling in the book. Maybe it's because it was written in 3rd person, but I think that's even more of a reason to put feeling and expression into the writing. Readers want to feel like they are the character, like for a few minutes or hours, they have stepped inside the character so they can get a full understanding of what's going on from what they can see.
*The book doesn't keep readers on their toes. It doesn't make you want to stay up for hours reading the entire thing the first day you get your hands on it.
The story is what makes me want to read the sequel. I want to find out what happens to Adam and Phoebe and Pete. To my surprise, Pete's point of view was the most interesting. It expressed how he felt and how his past affects him in the present. It was well presented. I look forward to a sequel.
While I finished this book and actually did enjoy it, the entire time reading I felt unsettled. Uncomfortable in my own skin, or actually more specifically head. You see the book deals with a few topics that can only be described as political. Civil Rights movement for the dead and it calls into question how you would react in a similar situation, even though you know it was not possible. I mean really, zombies? But the things they did to these dead children are no worse than what happened during the civil rights movement, so is Waters making a book long metaphor and substituting zombies for African Americans? Which leaves a bad taste in your mouth, because once again, zombies?
REVIEW American Teenagers are returning as zombies. The are waking up hours after they have been pronounced dead and shambling home. Some are being accepted with open arms. Some are being shunned by their own family and friends. A certain high school in New England has become Zombie Friendly and more and more travel their to attend high school, to live in peace, to maybe find acceptance. But, difference lead to hatred, lead to mistrust, lead to terrible occurrences by scared and bigoted people.
Phoebe who is a certain type of girl that people also tend to distrust and look at oddly {goth} finds a certain fascination with a particularly advanced differently biotic {zombie} boy. His name is Tommy, he holds the door for her, his eyes aren't vacant like the others, he is joining the football team. Her fascination seems to go both ways and leads to a bridge from her living world to his dead world. With it she brings her friends Margi and Adam, reluctant at first, but accepting as time goes by and friendships are made. Margi finds enlightenment through guilt, Adam because he will do anything for Phoebe, even change himself into a better person. But, as friendships are made others look upon their associations as disgusting and blasphemous and plots are laid to teach the living a lesson and eradicate the dead...
Fascinating concept. But there was no respite in this book. There was no underlying love. There was unrequited love, and a certain crush that might have formed between Tommy and Phoebe, but in the end you never know if it was real. It was just a sort of in-your-face reality show of children dealing with heavy stuff. Death. Hatred. Bigotry. Using. Suicide. Fear. Depression. Mania. But, while there were heavy hitting topics, the author never took you so far into that you felt like you were drowning. Just enough that your tongue tasted like battery acid, but not enough to choke on it. This is not a book to read if you want happy and heart-felt. But boy does it make you think.
The bad taste lies within the zombie factor. These are zombies. Walking-dead zombies. And this girl, goth or not, fascinated with death or not is getting her stomach twisted around for a kid with rubbery skin, vacant eyes, delayed speech, and a gray tongue. Death is so much more than just a different color skin...right??? But then the way vamps are portrayed, they are dead, marble skin, ice cold, no beating heart...they are dead right? Why not sexy zombies if they have sexy vamps??
The difference of... "Urggggghhhhh!!! Aghrrrrgh!!!!!" Shuffle shuffle. to "I vant to suck yur blood."
Nice cover though, but who is it? Not Phoebe. But those are her boots.
RECOMMENDATIONS Heavy topics for more mature readers, but there is nothing to corrupt young minds. I'm giving a 12+ recommend, but parents might want to read first just in case.

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