Don't Dump the Dog Outrageous Stories and Simple Solutions to Your Worst Dog Behavior Problems Randy Grim Melinda Roth 9781602396401 Books

Don't Dump the Dog Outrageous Stories and Simple Solutions to Your Worst Dog Behavior Problems Randy Grim Melinda Roth 9781602396401 Books
There are a lot of practical tips in this book that really WORK. I bought it because we found a tiny puppy in a ditch, on a cold rainy day. We tried to find the owner, but after four days decided that she needed to be with us. She's adorable, so cute and smart, but also stubborn and hardheaded. The things I learned in this book have completely turned her around.She is now obedient (most of the time) and sweet (usually), but hey, she only 6 months old, according to the vet.Plus, the writer's style is hilarious. I loved the emails and texts from adoptive pet-parents, and his answers - not the ones he actually sent, but the ones he wishes he could have sent. I laughed so much my sides hurt.
This is an excellent, sarcastic, funny book that will help you solve some of the problems that cause people to give up on their dogs. It has made our adjustment to having a puppy in the house much more enjoyable.

Tags : Don't Dump the Dog: Outrageous Stories and Simple Solutions to Your Worst Dog Behavior Problems [Randy Grim, Melinda Roth] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Do you want to dump your dog because he tries to escape your yard? Barks too much? You-know-whats in the house? Doesn’t play well with others? Chewed up your favorite pair of shoes?<BR><BR> You wouldn’t be the first person asking to “return” your pet. And dog rescuer Randy Grim has heard every reason under the sun. But before you load Fido into the back of your car,Randy Grim, Melinda Roth,Don't Dump the Dog: Outrageous Stories and Simple Solutions to Your Worst Dog Behavior Problems,Skyhorse,160239640X,Dogs - General,Dogs - Behavior,Dogs;Behavior;Anecdotes.,Dogs;Behavior;Miscellanea.,Anecdotes,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Personal Memoirs,Behavior,Dog obedience & training,Dogs,Dogs - Training,GENERAL,General Adult,Miscellanea,Non-Fiction,PETS Dogs General,PETS Dogs Training,PETS Essays & Narratives,Pets,rescue dog;dog lovers;rescued dogs;dog behaviors;dog training;shelter dogs;four-year-old child;house training;animal owner;potential dog;regarding people;kill shelter;sit stay;practical advise;animal shelters;training tips;companion animals;narrative manages;canine friends;loving dog;countless instances;local shelter;local animal;dog whisperer;pet owner;animal rescue;dog owners;dog trainer;offers practical;equal amounts;practical advice;puppies;spay;dumpers;housebreaking;defecate;adopters;fido mill;tracking;assistance;management;breeder;legged;booklist;dispenses;soapbox;relinquish;barking;behavioral;fixes;furry;vacuum;dumping;feral;sardonic;adopting;dump;self-deprecating;stray;pets;solutions;books on loving dogs;books on breeders;books on dog owners;books on dog behaviors;books on mills;books on companion animals;books on shelter dogs;books on pets;books on dog lovers;books on pet owners;books on dog trainers;books on booklist;books on managements;books on dumpers;books on solutions re
Don't Dump the Dog Outrageous Stories and Simple Solutions to Your Worst Dog Behavior Problems Randy Grim Melinda Roth 9781602396401 Books Reviews
I found these stories to be pretty interesting. I love reading about anything that has to do with dogs and since I'm adopting my first dog soon this book seemed like a natural fit. The author's style will either come off as funny and relatable or edgy and fairly rude. For me, it flipped back and forth. Don't confuse this book with a training manual or some dissertation on dog behavior - it is simply a book of stories about someone who fosters dogs and works at an animal shelter. It's a fun, quick read...I can recommend it for that purpose, but not anything deeper.
The first book I've ever read that actually addressed the issues that come with rescued dogs as opposed to fresh from the breeder puppies. It's one thing to train a brand new puppy and quite another to train a dog that has a history which likely includes neglect and/or abuse. I've already seen results in my 2 rescues using techniques in Randy Grim's book.
His writing is hilarious and truly worth reading just for his humor. I highly recommend this for all dog lovers but especially those who adopt older slightly used dogs who need someone to love and care for them.
In this book, Randy Grim gives us some precious tips, with a priceless sense of humour, on how to easily deal with unpleasant dog situations. He gives us a new understanding of how dogs think and perceive our actions. I have a miniature Schnauzer who used to bark for hours at people visiting. I had tried so many things to make it stop and felt guilty about it. I used a tip from Randy and the problem was solved in less than 10 minutes. I may have to repeat the exercise a couple of times but it's nothing compared to the endless barking! This book is a must for any dog owner. Thanks Randy!
I had my eye on this book for some time before buying it. The price seemed a bit steep as kindle books go, but a new puppy in the family has spurred me to expand my already large dog library. I'm glad I did.
while not a training book, it does open your eyes to what happens to a dog who isn't properly trained. what better proof than taking a street dog into a home and making it an invaluable addition to the family pack? I laughed. I teared up. I learned a couple things. I feel more human some how.
This is a great book. It took some getting used to in the first few chapters because I wasn't sure where the author was heading. But, after a few more pages, I was used to his humor and learned quite a bit from the ideas he gave to help with problem dogs. Now, I can't wait to read the next chapters and learn more things. I find myself laughing outloud a lot while reading his experiences with people who want to give up their dogs. It's amazing. I'm so glad I bought this book.
I don’t often write reviews . . . although I should because I definitely rely on them to inform my decision as to whether to make a purchase . . . but I just had to write a review of this fantastic book.
First of all, I am not one to moon over celebrities or anyone else who has some small claim to fame, but after reading this book, I’ll admit I’ve fallen head-over-heals in love with Randy Grim . . . even knowing most of his “issues.” (Unfortunately, I’m not his type ☺.)
After being laid off mid-career, I started volunteering for the SPCA and considered starting a rescue or shelter as a career change, but it soon became clear I didn’t have the fortitude for such heartbreaking work. Even from a volunteer viewpoint (which is limited), I experience many sleepless nights. Yes, there are cruel people in the world who do unspeakable harm to animals (see Stray Rescue’s website and the story of Brownie if you have the stomach for it), but there are also perhaps good-hearted people who adopt dogs and are just clueless. They may not understand that this dog they are adopting is a sentient being who is like a four-year-old child — a living and loving being that relies on you for at least three, maybe four, of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, and perhaps even esteem). Would you give up your four-year-old child because of some minor behavioral problems?
If you have a heart and want to make a dog a part of your family for the next 15 or so years, then this is the book for you. It will give you some very useful suggestions as to how to manage those behavioral problems (stock up on hotdogs). It will also help you to see your struggles with your pup in a new light — perhaps even help you to laugh at those behaviors that at one point were making you pull your hair out.
I truly don’t know how Randy Grim has been able to survive in the depressing world of animal rescue. I imagine it has to be his wonderful sense of humor (and as he admits, his stockpile of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety prescriptions.) As most all of the other reviewers have stated, he is a riot. And like one reviewer suggested, I, too, wish that a copy of this book could be given out with every dog adopted at every shelter and rescue around the country.
There are a lot of practical tips in this book that really WORK. I bought it because we found a tiny puppy in a ditch, on a cold rainy day. We tried to find the owner, but after four days decided that she needed to be with us. She's adorable, so cute and smart, but also stubborn and hardheaded. The things I learned in this book have completely turned her around.She is now obedient (most of the time) and sweet (usually), but hey, she only 6 months old, according to the vet.
Plus, the writer's style is hilarious. I loved the emails and texts from adoptive pet-parents, and his answers - not the ones he actually sent, but the ones he wishes he could have sent. I laughed so much my sides hurt.
This is an excellent, sarcastic, funny book that will help you solve some of the problems that cause people to give up on their dogs. It has made our adjustment to having a puppy in the house much more enjoyable.

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